so you mean I should create a physical skeleton for both tree and branches right. And with this I can animate the branches with the key frame to look like the wind is blowing through without interference from the shader right?
You could do that, yeah, if you want a constant wind.
The good thing about that approach is that you can get exactly the results you want.
You could also instead not animate it at all and add physical objects (like BulletPhysics spheres) on each bone with constraints, and then move the bones of the tree with those physical objects.
That way, you can code the wind in C++ instead, which would move the physical objects, which also in turn then would move the tree.
But of course, this way is not at all optimized for many trees at a time, I would say maybe 30 trees using this is OK, otherwise it is probably pretty slow because of the physics part.
But if I have to do this, it will increase the size of my file because I have to carry more skeleton files, and if I have many different types of trees, time is a big problem for skeletonization each type.
I am not sure that the increase in size and an additional skeleton file would take that much time to load in. The bottleneck in Ogre that I have experienced is mostly shader compilation. Without shader compilation, my game loads in 3-4 seconds.
If I compile all shaders each startup without any sort of threading it would take 25 seconds to load the game with around 50 shaders.
With threading, it goes down to in total only take 7-8 seconds to start the game, which pretty much proves that shader compilation will be your bottleneck (since threading shader compilation is impossible to do in 1.7 without major code changes).
So I would not worry to have even 100 meshes and skeletons. And you will only need at most 10 different trees, right?
I'm new to ogre and shaders so there are still a few things that I don't quite understand. I have some mesh files related to grass and in this file the Vertex part that I see there appear 2 texcoords on 1 vertex, and 1 of those texcoords x ,y ,z values will change, and I think that what you're talking about is the direction to change.
This is confusing.
What have you put on the UV 2 (texture coordinate 2) part on each vertex for the mesh file?
I don't see it used anywhere in the shader, only UV 1 is used.
Also, the wind should never alter the UV, only the vertices, but that is not done in your shader (which should be in the vertex shader).
If I can post my tree vertex structure can you help me find a solution for my shader, because I want to use 1 shader to control the branches for all the different trees instead. since skeleton like the classic way, as my application need to save space as small as possible I hope there will be a suitable way.
There is not much I can do even if I get the mesh.
It might be hard to do without doing an advanced system.
But here is another idea:
In your 3D modelling program, for each vertex, set its texture coordinate 2 (UV 2) to a value between 0 and 1 in its x coordinate (don't care about the y coordinate).
0 means that no wind will be used for that vertex, and 1 means that the wind will have full effect.
So put 0 at the main tree branch, which should probably never be affected by wind (or at least maybe just 0.1, but 0 at the root of course).
Then, for each branch, at the start of the branch it should have the same value as the base has (so if your main tree branch that touches that branch has 0.1, start at 0.1), and then it should go out towards the end of the branch and be 1.
You would have to do this for each vertex, so try to get a nice interpolation all the way to 1 at the end of each branch.
In your shader, send in the wind direction and the wind strength (two uniforms, probably float3 windDirection, float windStrength).
Then, for each vertex, you would fetch UV 2 and alter the vertex position by something like this: pos += windDirection * windStrength * uv2Value;
If you have dynamic control over windStrength, you can visualize how the tree would look if it had full wind strength on it and control if each vertex looks as it should.
Then you could add a sin/cos that alters the position over time, like this: pos.xy += float2(sin(time * windStrength), cos(time * windStrength)) * randomMovementSpeed * uv2Value;
The variable randomMovementSpeed would have to be defined to something like: const float randomMovementSpeed = 0.5;
But that variable has to be adjusted of course to make it look better.
The fragment shader would just return the color, not change anything in the UV or anything like it does currently.
This may cause the tree to at least look somewhat better than just moving the entire tree with the same values.