Why my transparent mesh with textures has these artifacts?

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Why my transparent mesh with textures has these artifacts?

Post by Vido »

I have transparent mesh with texture for a game Rigs of Rods, and it has those artifacts on it, I checked face orientation and it's fine. I don't know what causing those artifacts. here is preview from game


and here is from blender with attempt to recreate material


And here is in OgreMeshViewer



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Re: Why my transparent mesh with textures has these artifacts?

Post by sercero »


I looked at your model and I think the problem is that your windows have thickness.

Probably they should have 0 thickness to avoid this issue.

In my opinion the best course of action for you is to look at other examples of cars and how people have solved this.

In Blendswap https://www.blendswap.com/ there are probably many models of cars that you can inspect to see how they solved this.

Best regards.

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Re: Why my transparent mesh with textures has these artifacts?

Post by Crystal Hammer »

I'm no expert here, though I always export vehicles for SR from Blender.
I see your artifacts are already visible inside Blender. So I'd say it's definitely an issue with the mesh.

IMO you either made it wrong way or perhaps moved vertices each own after or so.
I would recommend having more triangles, not just 1 triangle from top to bottom of glass. Makes normals go bad I'd say. And also regular sizes, like a grid, mostly rectangles.
Perhaps the solution is to make a looped curve and just by F create faces, for each side separately.
Likely better to make top and bottom curves and extrude curve (to get faces), with few steps along the way.

From my side I usually have just 1 mesh for glass, two sided, not 2 glass sides/meshes culled. Could give more artifacts at least in SR.
Also you have all (edges) connected, which means moving 1 vertex affects normals nearby. I highly recommend doing "edge split" to have each flat surface separate (if not making these meshes as above).

There are few cars with glass in our SR repo: https://github.com/stuntrally/blendfile ... aster/cars
Names are the same as in our vehicle browser with previews too: https://stuntrally.tuxfamily.org/cars