Can you help me with the path system in 3D scene with available *.path file?

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Can you help me with the path system in 3D scene with available *.path file?

Post by vincentdoan86 »

I have a .path file in an old game source code. It is described as a file that defines the path of a character, or the movement point of a monster in a 3d scene of a map. I don't know exactly how the structure of this file stores data, but the game source code uses Ogre3d as the game engine. And I also found on the internet a C++ code including Path.cpp and Path.h to create a path for the character in this game, but I don't see any part that reads data from this .path file. I would like to ask you guys to help me solve this problem so that I know the structure of this .path file so that I can write code to automatically create this file for each map.

This is the google drive link of file *.path ... sp=sharing

Here is the C++ code of Path.cpp

Code: Select all

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "WorldManager.h"
#include <complex>
#include "Path.h"
#include "TDException.h"
#include "../Procedure/GameProcedure.h"
#include "TDUtil.h"
#include "TDDBC_Struct.h"
#include "..\Object\ObjectManager.h"
#include "..\Object\Character\Obj_PlayerMySelf.h"
#include "..\DataPool\GMDP_CharacterData.h"
#include "..\DBC\GMDataBase.h"
#include <float.h>

#define LINE_CROSS_RANGE		0.0001f

	m_iScene = -1;


const CPath::PathUnit& CPath::GetConstPathUnit(INT nIndex)const
	if(m_vPosStack.empty() || nIndex >= (INT)m_vPosStack.size())
		TDThrow("Invalid Path!");

return m_vPosStack[nIndex];

INT CPath::RequestIndexFactory(VOID)
	static INT s_nCurrentIndex = 0;

if(s_nCurrentIndex == MAX_REQUEST_INDEX) 
	s_nCurrentIndex = 0;

return s_nCurrentIndex;

BOOL CPath::CheckCross(fVector2 fvmStart, fVector2 fvmEnd,const CRegion* pcr)
	fVector2 fv0;
	fVector2 fv1;
	if (NULL==pcr)
		return FALSE;
	for (INT i=0;i<(INT)pcr->m_vfPoints.size();i++)
		fv0 = *(pcr->GetPoint(i));
		fv1 = *(pcr->GetPoint(i+1));
		if( !( fvEuqual(fvmStart,fv0) || fvEuqual(fvmStart,fv1) || fvEuqual(fvmEnd,fv0) || fvEuqual(fvmEnd,fv1) ))
				return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

BOOL CPath::CheckCross(fVector2 fvMS, fVector2 fvME,fVector2 fvNS, fVector2 fvNE)
	if ( max(fvMS.x,fvME.x) <= min(fvNS.x,fvNE.x) )
		return FALSE;
	if ( min(fvMS.x,fvME.x) >= max(fvNS.x,fvNE.x) )
		return FALSE;
	if ( max(fvMS.y,fvME.y) <= min(fvNS.y,fvNE.y) )
		return FALSE;
	if ( min(fvMS.y,fvME.y) >= max(fvNS.y,fvNE.y) )
		return FALSE;

FLOAT temp1 = fvMulti(fvSub(fvMS,fvNS),fvSub(fvNE,fvNS)) * fvMulti( fvSub(fvNE,fvNS),fvSub(fvME,fvNS));
FLOAT temp2 = fvMulti(fvSub(fvNS,fvMS),fvSub(fvME,fvMS)) * fvMulti( fvSub(fvME,fvMS),fvSub(fvNE,fvMS));

	return TRUE;
return FALSE;	

fVector2 CPath::fvSub(fVector2 fv1, fVector2 fv2)
	fVector2 fvResult = fVector2(fv1.x-fv2.x,fv1.y-fv2.y);
	return fvResult;

FLOAT CPath::fvMulti(fVector2 fv1, fVector2 fv2)
	return (fv1.x*fv2.y - fv1.y*fv2.x);

BOOL CPath::fvEuqual(const fVector2& fv1, const fVector2& fv2)
	if ((abs(fv1.x-fv2.x)<1e-10) &&(abs(fv1.y-fv2.y)<1e-10))
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

// 计算从开始点到结束点的路径 2006-4-17
BOOL CPath::CreateMovePath(const fVector2& fvCurrent, const fVector2& fvTarget)
	INT nPassLevel = -1;
	INT nMountID = CObjectManager::GetMe()->GetMySelf()->GetCharacterData()->Get_MountID();
	if(nMountID != INVALID_ID)
			const _DBC_CHARACTER_MOUNT *pCharMount = (const _DBC_CHARACTER_MOUNT*)(s_pCharMountDBC->Search_Index_EQU(nMountID));
		if(pCharMount != NULL)
			nPassLevel = pCharMount->m_nPassLevel;
	// 找到目标点。
	m_TargetPos = fvTarget;
	// 先清空路径.

	return FALSE;

BOOL ret = BuildDijkPath(fvCurrent, fvTarget,nPassLevel);
//char szTemp[1024];
//sprintf(szTemp, "Start:(%f,%f) End:(%f,%f)\n", fvCurrent.x, fvCurrent.y, fvTarget.x, fvTarget.y);
//OutputDebugString( szTemp );
//for( INT i = 0; i < (INT)m_vPosStack1.size(); i ++ )
//	PathUnit& pu = m_vPosStack1[i];
//	sprintf( szTemp, "(%f,%f), (%f,%f)\n", pu.fvStart.x, pu.fvStart.y, pu.fvTarget.x, pu.fvTarget.y );
//	OutputDebugString(szTemp);

// //查找路径
//ret = FindPath(fvCurrent, TRUE);
//for( INT i = 0; i < (INT)m_vPosStack.size(); i ++ )
//	PathUnit& pu = m_vPosStack[i];
//	sprintf( szTemp, "(%f,%f), (%f,%f)\n", pu.fvStart.x, pu.fvStart.y, pu.fvTarget.x, pu.fvTarget.y );
//	OutputDebugString(szTemp);

return ret ? ret : FindPath(fvCurrent, nPassLevel,TRUE);

// 但前点是否在不可行走区域之内
BOOL CPath::IsPointInUnreachRegion(const fVector2& fvTarget)
	INT nPassLevel = -1;
	INT nMountID = CObjectManager::GetMe()->GetMySelf()->GetCharacterData()->Get_MountID();
	if(nMountID != INVALID_ID)
			const _DBC_CHARACTER_MOUNT *pCharMount = (const _DBC_CHARACTER_MOUNT*)(s_pCharMountDBC->Search_Index_EQU(nMountID));
		if(pCharMount != NULL)
			nPassLevel = pCharMount->m_nPassLevel;
	CScene* pActiveScene = (CScene*)CWorldManager::GetMe()->GetActiveScene();

INT iCurZoneX = pActiveScene->GetZoneX(fvTarget.x);
INT iCurZoneZ = pActiveScene->GetZoneZ(fvTarget.y);

INT sGridX= iCurZoneX - 1;
INT sGridZ= iCurZoneZ - 1;
INT eGridX= iCurZoneX + 1;
INT eGridZ= iCurZoneZ + 1;

sGridX = max(0,sGridX);
eGridX = min(pActiveScene->GetSizeX()-1, eGridX);

sGridZ = max(0,sGridZ);
eGridZ = min(pActiveScene->GetSizeZ()-1, eGridZ);

// 找到开始点和结束点经过的所有zone中的region
CZone* pcz = NULL;
std::vector<INT>	tempRegion;	
for (INT i= sGridX;i<=eGridX;i++)
	for (INT j= sGridZ;j<=eGridZ;j++)
		CZone* pcz = pActiveScene->GetZone(i,j);
		for (std::list<INT>::iterator x= pcz->m_listRegion.begin();x!=pcz->m_listRegion.end();x++)
			std::vector<INT>::iterator it = std::find(tempRegion.begin(),tempRegion.end(),(INT)*x);				
			if( it == tempRegion.end() )

INT nRegionSize = (INT)tempRegion.size();
INT iRegionPointSize = 0;

INT iInterSectCount  = 0;	// 射线和直线的相交个数。

fVector2 f1s; 
fVector2 f1e; 

fVector2 f2s; 
fVector2 f2e; 

f2s = fvTarget;
f2e.y = f2s.y;
f2e.x = 1512.0f;

// 遍历所有的区域
for(INT i = 0 ;i < nRegionSize; i++ )
	const CRegion &cr = pActiveScene->m_theRegion[tempRegion[i]];
	if (nPassLevel > cr.m_nPassRegionLevel)
	iInterSectCount = 0;
	// 从区域中找到一条直线.
	iRegionPointSize = (INT)cr.m_vfPoints.size();
	for(INT j = 0; j < iRegionPointSize; j++)
		if((iRegionPointSize - 1) == j)
			f1s = cr.m_vfPoints[j];
			f1e = cr.m_vfPoints[0];
			f1s = cr.m_vfPoints[j];
			f1e = cr.m_vfPoints[j + 1];

		// 检测直线是否与当前的路线相交.
		if(CheckCross(f2s, f2e, f1s, f1e))

	if(iInterSectCount % 2)
		return true;

return FALSE;

//  直接查找目的地
BOOL	CPath::GetPathDirect(const fVector2& fvCurrent, const fVector2& fvTarget)
	// 先清空路径.

// 与所有区域交点中距离最短的
FLOAT fMinDis = 0;
PathUnit newPathUnit;
CScene* pActiveScene = (CScene*)CWorldManager::GetMe()->GetActiveScene();
fVector2 fvStart = fvCurrent;
fVector2 fvEnd = fvTarget;

INT sGridX= pActiveScene->GetZoneX(fvStart.x);
INT sGridZ= pActiveScene->GetZoneZ(fvStart.y);
INT eGridX= pActiveScene->GetZoneX(fvEnd.x);
INT eGridZ= pActiveScene->GetZoneZ(fvEnd.y);
if ((abs(sGridX-eGridX)>2) || (abs(sGridZ-eGridZ)>2))
	return FALSE;

// 防止人物滑动.
if (TDU_GetDist(fvStart,fvEnd) < 2.0f)
	return FALSE;

std::vector<INT>	tempRegion;	
CScene* pActiveScene1 = (CScene*)CWorldManager::GetMe()->GetActiveScene();
	int iSize  = (int)pActiveScene1->m_theRegion.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)

INT nRegionSize = (INT)tempRegion.size();
INT iRegionPointSize = 0;
fVector2 f1s; 
fVector2 f1e; 

BOOL  bInfinit1 = FALSE;
BOOL  bInfinit2 = FALSE;
FLOAT fK1 = 0;
FLOAT fK2 = 0;
FLOAT fB1 = 0;
FLOAT fB2 = 0;

FLOAT fTempDis = 0;

FLOAT fTempX = fvTarget.x - fvCurrent.x;
FLOAT fTempY = fvTarget.y - fvCurrent.y;

FLOAT fFindX = 0;
FLOAT fFindY = 0;

FLOAT fTargetX = 0;
FLOAT fTargetY = 0;

// 求两条直线重合时用到的临时变量.
FLOAT fDistance1 = 0;
FLOAT fDistance2 = 0;
FLOAT fDistance3 = 0;
FLOAT x = 0;
FLOAT y = 0;

if(abs((FLOAT)fTempX) < 0.00001)
	bInfinit1 = true;
	// 求直线的k和b参数.
	fK1 = (fTempY * 1.0f) / (fTempX * 1.0f);
	fB1 = -fK1 * fvCurrent.x + fvCurrent.y;

// 求开始点和结束点的距离.
fTempX = fvTarget.x - fvCurrent.x;
fTempY = fvTarget.y - fvCurrent.y;

//fMinDis = sqrt((FLOAT)((fTempX * fTempX) + (fTempY)*(fTempY)) );
fMinDis  = 1000.0f;
fTargetX = fvTarget.x;
fTargetY = fvTarget.y;

// 遍历所有的区域
for(INT i = 0 ;i < nRegionSize; i++ )
	const CRegion &cr = pActiveScene->m_theRegion[tempRegion[i]];
	// 从区域中找到一条直线.
	iRegionPointSize = (INT)cr.m_vfPoints.size();
	for(INT j = 0; j < iRegionPointSize; j++)
		if((iRegionPointSize - 1) == j)
			f1s = cr.m_vfPoints[j];
			f1e = cr.m_vfPoints[0];
			f1s = cr.m_vfPoints[j];
			f1e = cr.m_vfPoints[j + 1];

		// 检测直线是否与当前的路线相交.
		if(CheckCross(fvCurrent, fvTarget, f1s, f1e))
			fTempX = f1e.x - f1s.x;
			fTempY = f1e.y - f1s.y;

			if(abs((FLOAT)fTempX) < 0.00001)
				bInfinit2 = true;
				// 求直线的k和b参数.
				fK2 = (fTempY * 1.0f) / (fTempX * 1.0f);
				fB2 = -fK2 * f1s.x + f1s.y;

			// 如果两条直线的斜率一样. 就把开始点和结束点都放到队列中
			// 目前路径队列最多只有一条直线.
			// line1斜率是无穷大, line1 起始点和终点的直线。
				// line2 的斜率是无穷大
					// 求开始点和结束点的距离.
					fTempX = fvTarget.x - fvCurrent.x;
					fTempY = fvTarget.y - fvCurrent.y;

					fTempDis = sqrt((FLOAT)((fTempX * fTempX) + (fTempY)*(fTempY)) );
					if(fTempDis < fMinDis)
						fMinDis = fTempDis;
						fTargetX = fvTarget.x;
						fTargetY = fvTarget.y;
						bInfinit2 = FALSE;
				else // if(bInfinit2)

					fFindX = fvTarget.x;
					fFindY = fK2 * fvTarget.x + fB2;
					fTempX = fvCurrent.x - (INT)fFindX;
					fTempY = fvCurrent.y - (INT)fFindY;
					fTempDis = sqrt((FLOAT)((fTempX * fTempX) + (fTempY)*(fTempY)));

					if(fTempDis < fMinDis)
						fMinDis =fTempDis;
						fTargetX = fFindX;
						fTargetY = fFindY;
						bInfinit2 = FALSE;
			else if(bInfinit2) // if(bInfinit1) 直线2 的斜率无穷大.
				fFindX = f1s.x;
				fFindY = fK1 * fFindX + fB1;

				// 求找到的直线与起始点的距离.
				fTempX = fvCurrent.x - (INT)fFindX;
				fTempY = fvCurrent.y - (INT)fFindY;
				fTempDis = sqrt((FLOAT)((fTempX * fTempX) + (fTempY)*(fTempY)));

				if(fTempDis < fMinDis)
					// 如果这个距离最小, 就是要找的终点l
					fMinDis =fTempDis;
					fTargetX = fFindX;
					fTargetY = fFindY;
					bInfinit2 = FALSE;
			else if(abs((FLOAT)(fK1 - fK2)) < 0.00001)
				// 两直线重合求开始点和结束点的距离.
				fTempX = fvTarget.x - fvCurrent.x;
				fTempY = fvTarget.y - fvCurrent.y;
				fDistance1 = sqrt((FLOAT)((fTempX * fTempX) + (fTempY)*(fTempY)) );

				fTempX = f1s.x - fvCurrent.x;
				fTempY = f1s.y - fvCurrent.y;
				fDistance2 = sqrt((FLOAT)((fTempX * fTempX) + (fTempY)*(fTempY)) );

                if(fDistance1 < fDistance2)
					fTempDis = fDistance1;
					x = fvTarget.x;
					y = fvTarget.y;
					fTempDis = fDistance2;
					x = f1s.x;
					y = f1s.y;

				fTempX = f1e.x - fvCurrent.x;
				fTempY = f1e.y - fvCurrent.y;
				fDistance3 = sqrt((FLOAT)((fTempX * fTempX) + (fTempY)*(fTempY)) );

				if(fTempDis > fDistance3)
					fTempDis = fDistance3;
					x = f1e.x;
					y = f1e.y;

				if(fTempDis < fMinDis)
					fMinDis =fTempDis;
					fTargetX = x;
					fTargetY = y;
					bInfinit2 = FALSE;
				// 两条直线标准相交.
				fFindX = (fB2 - fB1) / (fK1 - fK2);
				fFindY = fK1 * fFindX + fB1;

				fTempX = fvCurrent.x - (INT)fFindX;
				fTempY = fvCurrent.y - (INT)fFindY;
				fTempDis = sqrt((FLOAT)((fTempX * fTempX) + (fTempY)*(fTempY)));

				if(fTempDis < fMinDis)
					fMinDis =fTempDis;
					fTargetX = fFindX;
					fTargetY = fFindY;
					bInfinit2 = FALSE;
	}// for(INT j = 0; j < iRegionPointSize; j++) 遍历区域中所有的点.
}// for ( i = 0 ;i < nRegionSize; i++ ) 遍历所有的区域

// 停下之后需要把找到的终点, 移后一段距离
// 防止终点与区域边界过近, 走到区域中去.
FLOAT fOffsetX = fvTarget.x;
FLOAT fOffsetY = fvTarget.y;

FLOAT fDeltaX = fvTarget.x - fTargetX;
FLOAT fDeltaY = fvTarget.y - fTargetY;

FLOAT t = 0;

if((abs((FLOAT)fDeltaX) > 0.0001 || abs((FLOAT)fDeltaY) > 0.0001))
	fVector2 fFindPoint;

	fFindPoint.x = fTargetX;
	fFindPoint.y = fTargetY;
	t = sqrt(1.0f / ((FLOAT)(fDeltaX*fDeltaX + fDeltaY * fDeltaY)));
	t = -t;

	// 如果人物进入了不可行走区域, 允许他走出来。
	if(IsPointInUnreachRegion(fFindPoint) && IsPointInUnreachRegion(fvCurrent))
		t = -t;

	fOffsetX = t * fDeltaX + fTargetX;
	fOffsetY = t * fDeltaY + fTargetY;

	if(TDU_GetDistSq(fvCurrent, fVector2(fOffsetX, fOffsetY)) < 1.0f)	return FALSE;

newPathUnit.fvStart	= fvCurrent;
newPathUnit.fvTarget= fVector2(fOffsetX, fOffsetY);
newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();

return true;

BOOL CPath::FindPath(fVector2 fvStart,  BOOL bBegin, INT iPreRegionIndex, INT iPreLineIndex, INT iPreVertexIndex)
	BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
	INT nPassLevel = -1;
	INT nMountID = CObjectManager::GetMe()->GetMySelf()->GetCharacterData()->Get_MountID();
	if(nMountID != INVALID_ID)
			const _DBC_CHARACTER_MOUNT *pCharMount = (const _DBC_CHARACTER_MOUNT*)(s_pCharMountDBC->Search_Index_EQU(nMountID));
		if(pCharMount != NULL)
			nPassLevel = pCharMount->m_nPassLevel;
	// 递归查找深度。
	static INT iDep = 0;
	if(iDep > 20)
		iDep = 0;
		return FALSE;

// 增加查找深度.

	iDep = 0;
	iPreRegionIndex = -1;	// 前一次调用的region索引
	iPreLineIndex   = -1;	// 前一次调用的阻挡线索引
	iPreVertexIndex = -1;	// 前一次找到的点。
	m_iChangeRegion = -1;
	m_iChangeLine   = -1;

// 查找是否已经到了终点。
	if(sqrt((fvStart.x - m_TargetPos.x)*(fvStart.x - m_TargetPos.x) + (fvStart.y - m_TargetPos.y)*(fvStart.y - m_TargetPos.y)) < 0.01)
		return FALSE;

	PathUnit newPathUnit;
	newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fvStart;
	newPathUnit.fvTarget = m_TargetPos;
	newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
	return TRUE;

// 查找路径

CScene* pActiveScene = (CScene*)CWorldManager::GetMe()->GetActiveScene();
fVector2 p1;
fVector2 p2;

FLOAT fFindX = 0;		// 查找的点x。 
FLOAT fFindY = 0;		// 查找的点y。

INT iFindRegion = -1;   // 与区域相交找到的区域索引
INT iFindLine   = -1;	// 与区域相交找到的线的索引

// 如果不是终点, 就查找下一个点。
if(-1 != iPreRegionIndex)
{// 正在一个区域上查找。
	INT iIndex1 = -1;
	INT iIndex2 = -1;
	INT iCheckLine = -1;
	// 判断当前点与当前阻挡区域是否相交。如果相交继续查找当前的区域, 如果不相交, 查找下一个区域。
	// 找到要查找的区域。
	const CRegion &CurRegion = pActiveScene->m_theRegion[iPreRegionIndex];
	// 计算一个点, 计算这个点与当前的region是否相交。
	fVector2 tempCheckPoint;
	tempCheckPoint.x = fvStart.x + LINE_CROSS_RANGE * (m_TargetPos.x - fvStart.x);
	tempCheckPoint.y = fvStart.y + LINE_CROSS_RANGE * (m_TargetPos.y - fvStart.y);

	if(CheckCross(tempCheckPoint, m_TargetPos, &CurRegion))
	{// 如果当前点和终点连线与当前区域相交就在这个区域中查找
		if(-1 != iPreVertexIndex)
		{// 前一次找到的是一个边界点。

			// 如果找到点的索引与找到的线的索引相同, 就是按照区域的方向查找点。
			if(iPreVertexIndex == iPreLineIndex)
				iCheckLine = iPreLineIndex - 1;
				if(iCheckLine < 0)
					iCheckLine = (INT)CurRegion.m_vfPoints.size() - 1;
			{// 否则, 就按照区域的正方向查找。
				iCheckLine = iPreLineIndex + 1;
				iCheckLine = iCheckLine % (INT)CurRegion.m_vfPoints.size();
		{ // 这中情况是从其他的region走过来与这个区域第一次相交, 没有查找这个区域的定点的情况。
			iCheckLine = iPreLineIndex;

		// 找到两个边界点。
		if(iCheckLine+1 == CurRegion.m_vfPoints.size())
			// 如果是区域的最后的一个点。
			// 第一个点是末尾的点
			// 第二个点是开始的点
			iIndex1 = iCheckLine;
			iIndex2 = 0;
			// 第一个点是这个线的第一个点
			// 第二个点是这个阻挡线的下一个点。
			iIndex1 = iCheckLine;
			iIndex2 = iCheckLine + 1;

		p1 = CurRegion.m_vfPoints[iIndex1];
		p2 = CurRegion.m_vfPoints[iIndex2];

		// 要检测的点
		//fVector2 tempCheckPoint;

		// 上一次查找的点与当前的点哪一个都不一样。
		if((iPreVertexIndex != iIndex1) &&(iPreVertexIndex != iIndex2))
		{// 如果上一次找到的不是两个边界点。
			FLOAT fDis1 = 0;
			FLOAT fDis2 = 0;

			fDis1 = (fvStart.x - p1.x)*(fvStart.x - p1.x) + (fvStart.y - p1.y)*(fvStart.y - p1.y);
			fDis2 = (fvStart.x - p2.x)*(fvStart.x - p2.x) + (fvStart.y - p2.y)*(fvStart.y - p2.y);

			if(fDis1 > fDis2)
				INT      iChangeIndex = -1;
				fVector2 fvChangePoint;
				fvChangePoint = p1;
				p1 = p2;
				p2 = fvChangePoint;

				iChangeIndex = iIndex1;
				iIndex1 = iIndex2;
				iIndex2 = iChangeIndex;

			if(GetMinCrossPos(fvStart, p1, fFindX, fFindY, iFindRegion, iFindLine, iPreRegionIndex))
			{// 如果与其他区域相交

				if((m_iChangeRegion == iFindRegion)&&(iFindLine == m_iChangeLine))
				{// 如果与前一个区域相交
					fVector2 fTestPoint;
					fTestPoint.x  = fvStart.x + LINE_CROSS_RANGE*(p2.x - fvStart.x);
					fTestPoint.y  = fvStart.y + LINE_CROSS_RANGE*(p2.y - fvStart.y);

					if(GetMinCrossPos(fTestPoint, p2, fFindX, fFindY, iFindRegion, iFindLine, iPreRegionIndex))
					{// 计算另一个点。
						m_iChangeRegion = iPreRegionIndex;
						m_iChangeLine   = iPreLineIndex;

						fVector2 fvEnd;
						PathUnit newPathUnit;

						fvEnd.x = fFindX;
						fvEnd.y = fFindY;

							//return TRUE;

						newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fTestPoint;
						newPathUnit.fvTarget = fvEnd;
						newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
						// 找到第二个点,
						bReturn = FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iFindRegion, iFindLine, -1);
						m_iChangeRegion = iPreRegionIndex;
						m_iChangeLine   = iPreLineIndex;
							//return TRUE;

						PathUnit newPathUnit;
						newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fTestPoint;
						newPathUnit.fvTarget = p2;
						newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
						bReturn =FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iPreRegionIndex, iCheckLine, iIndex2);


				else// 如果不从前一个区域走过来。
					fVector2 fTestPoint;
					fTestPoint.x  = fvStart.x + LINE_CROSS_RANGE*(p2.x - fvStart.x);
					fTestPoint.y  = fvStart.y + LINE_CROSS_RANGE*(p2.y - fvStart.y);

					INT iFindRegionP2 = -1;
					INT iFindLineP2   = -1;

					FLOAT fFindP2X = 0;
					FLOAT fFindP2Y = 0;

					if(GetMinCrossPos(fTestPoint, p2, fFindP2X, fFindP2Y, iFindRegionP2, iFindLineP2, iPreRegionIndex))
					{// 计算另一个点。
						// 如果两面都相交就不查找了, 退出。
						return FALSE;
					{// 与第二个区域不相交。就找第二个点.

							//return TRUE;

                        PathUnit newPathUnit;
						newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fTestPoint;
						newPathUnit.fvTarget = p2;
						newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
						bReturn = FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iPreRegionIndex, iCheckLine, iIndex2);


			}// 第一个点与其他区域相交测试
					//return TRUE;

				PathUnit newPathUnit;
				newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fvStart;
				newPathUnit.fvTarget = p1;
				newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
				bReturn = FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iPreRegionIndex, iCheckLine, iIndex1);


		// 如果上一次找到的点第一个边界点 
		if(iPreVertexIndex == iIndex1)
			tempCheckPoint = p2;
			// 这个就找下一个点。
			if(GetMinCrossPos(fvStart, tempCheckPoint, fFindX, fFindY, iFindRegion, iFindLine, iPreRegionIndex))
			{// 找到一个相交的区域。

				// 改变前一次的区域和索引.
				m_iChangeRegion = iPreRegionIndex;
				m_iChangeLine   = iPreLineIndex;

				fVector2 fvEnd;
				PathUnit newPathUnit;

				fvEnd.x = fFindX;
				fvEnd.y = fFindY;

					//return TRUE;
				newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fvStart;
				newPathUnit.fvTarget = fvEnd;
				newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
				bReturn = FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iFindRegion, iFindLine,-1);
					//return TRUE;

				// 不相交就把区域的第二个定点记录路径
				PathUnit newPathUnit;
				newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fvStart;
				newPathUnit.fvTarget = tempCheckPoint;
				newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
				bReturn = FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iPreRegionIndex, iCheckLine,iIndex2);

		// 如果上一次找到的点第二个边界点 
		else if(iPreVertexIndex == iIndex2)
			tempCheckPoint = p1;
			// 这个就找下一个点。
			if(GetMinCrossPos(fvStart, tempCheckPoint, fFindX, fFindY, iFindRegion, iFindLine, iPreRegionIndex))
			{// 找到一个相交的区域。

				// 改变前一次的区域和索引.
				m_iChangeRegion = iPreRegionIndex;
				m_iChangeLine   = iPreLineIndex;

				fVector2 fvEnd;
				PathUnit newPathUnit;

				fvEnd.x = fFindX;
				fvEnd.y = fFindY;

					//return TRUE;

				newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fvStart;
				newPathUnit.fvTarget = fvEnd;
				newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
				bReturn = FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iFindRegion, iFindLine,-1);
					//return TRUE;

				// 不相交就把区域的第二个定点记录路径
				PathUnit newPathUnit;
				newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fvStart;
				newPathUnit.fvTarget = tempCheckPoint;
				newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
				bReturn = FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iPreRegionIndex, iCheckLine,iIndex1);


	}//  如果当前点和终点连线与当前区域相交就在这个区域中查找
	{//  如果当前点和终点连线与当前区域不相交, 就重新找到一个新的行走区域。
		// 找到最近相交的区域
		if(GetMinCrossPos(fvStart, m_TargetPos, fFindX, fFindY, iFindRegion, iFindLine, iPreRegionIndex))
			m_iChangeRegion = iPreRegionIndex;
			m_iChangeLine   = iPreLineIndex;

			fVector2 fvEnd;
			PathUnit newPathUnit;

			fvEnd.x = fFindX;
			fvEnd.y = fFindY;

				//return TRUE;

			newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fvStart;
			newPathUnit.fvTarget = fvEnd;
			newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
			bReturn = FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iFindRegion, iFindLine,-1);


}// 在一个区域上查找行走点。
{// 不在一个区域的查找行走区域。
	// 找到最近相交的区域
	if(GetMinCrossPos(fvStart, m_TargetPos, fFindX, fFindY, iFindRegion, iFindLine, iPreRegionIndex))
		m_iChangeRegion = iPreRegionIndex;
		m_iChangeLine   = iPreLineIndex;

		fVector2 fvEnd;
		PathUnit newPathUnit;

		fvEnd.x = fFindX;
		fvEnd.y = fFindY;

			//return TRUE;

		newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fvStart;
		newPathUnit.fvTarget = fvEnd;
		newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
		bReturn = FindPath(newPathUnit.fvTarget, FALSE, iFindRegion, iFindLine,-1);

return bReturn;

// 是否到达终点。
BOOL CPath::IsReachDes(fVector2 fvStart,int level)
	fVector2 tempStart;
	tempStart.x = fvStart.x + LINE_CROSS_RANGE * (m_TargetPos.x - fvStart.x);
	tempStart.y = fvStart.y + LINE_CROSS_RANGE * (m_TargetPos.y - fvStart.y);

CScene* pActiveScene = (CScene*)CWorldManager::GetMe()->GetActiveScene();
INT iRegionSize = (INT)pActiveScene->m_theRegion.size();
// 遍历所有的区域
for ( INT i = 0 ;i < iRegionSize; i++ )
	const CRegion &cr = pActiveScene->m_theRegion[i];	
	if (level > cr.m_nPassRegionLevel)
	if(CheckCross(tempStart, m_TargetPos, &cr))
		return FALSE;
return TRUE;

// 查找所有区域得到最近的点
BOOL CPath::GetMinCrossPos(fVector2 fvStart, fVector2 fvEnd, FLOAT& fFindx, FLOAT& fFindy, INT& iRegionIndex, INT& iLineIndex, INT iExcludeRegion)
	BOOL	bFind = FALSE;
	FLOAT	fCheckFindX = 0;
	FLOAT   fCheckFindY = 0;

FLOAT   fDis = 10000.0f;
FLOAT   fFindDis = 0;

INT		iFindLineIndex = -1;

CScene* pActiveScene = (CScene*)CWorldManager::GetMe()->GetActiveScene();
INT iRegionSize = (INT)pActiveScene->m_theRegion.size();
// 遍历所有的区域
for ( INT i = 0 ;i < iRegionSize; i++ )
	// 如果区域是不查找的就绕过去。
	if(iExcludeRegion == pActiveScene->m_theRegion[i].m_RegionID)

    const CRegion &cr = pActiveScene->m_theRegion[i];
	if(CheckCross(fvStart, fvEnd, &cr, fCheckFindX, fCheckFindY, fFindDis, iFindLineIndex))
		if(fFindDis < fDis)
			bFind  = true;
			fDis   = fFindDis;
			fFindx = fCheckFindX;
			fFindy = fCheckFindY;
			iLineIndex   = iFindLineIndex;
			iRegionIndex = pActiveScene->m_theRegion[i].m_RegionID;

return bFind;

// 查找当前的直线与一个区域是否相交,如果相交返回交点和区域中最近相交直线的索引值
BOOL CPath::CheckCross(fVector2 fvStart, fVector2 fvEnd, const CRegion* pcr, FLOAT& fFindX, FLOAT& fFindY, FLOAT& fFindDis, INT& iFindLineIndex)
	if(NULL == pcr) return FALSE;

fVector2 p1;
fVector2 p2;
FLOAT fDistance = 10000.0f;
FLOAT fDis      = 0;
FLOAT fCurFindX = 0;
FLOAT fCurFindY = 0;
BOOL  bFind = FALSE;

INT iPointSize = (INT)pcr->m_vfPoints.size();
for(INT i = 0; i < iPointSize; i++)
	if(i == iPointSize - 1)
		p1 = pcr->m_vfPoints[i];
		p2 = pcr->m_vfPoints[0];
		p1 = pcr->m_vfPoints[i];
		p2 = pcr->m_vfPoints[i+1];

	if(CheckLineCross(fvStart, fvEnd, p1, p2, fCurFindX, fCurFindY))
		bFind = true;
		fDis = sqrt((fvStart.x - fCurFindX)*(fvStart.x - fCurFindX) + (fvStart.y - fCurFindY)*(fvStart.y - fCurFindY));
		if(fDis < fDistance)
			fDistance = fDis;
			fFindX    = fCurFindX;
			fFindY    = fCurFindY;
			iFindLineIndex = i;
			fFindDis  = fDis;



return bFind;

BOOL CPath::CheckLineCross(fVector2 fv1Start, fVector2 fv1End, fVector2 fv2Start, fVector2 fv2End, FLOAT& fcrossx, FLOAT& fcrossy)

FLOAT fsx1 = fv1Start.x;
FLOAT fsy1 = fv1Start.y; 
FLOAT fex1 = fv1End.x;
FLOAT fey1 = fv1End.y; 
FLOAT fsx2 = fv2Start.x;
FLOAT fsy2 = fv2Start.y;
FLOAT fex2 = fv2End.x;
FLOAT fey2 = fv2End.y;

FLOAT k1 = 0;
FLOAT b1 = 0;
FLOAT k2 = 0;
FLOAT b2 = 0;

BOOL  bLine1infinite = FALSE;		// 直线1的斜率是否是无穷大
BOOL  bLine2infinite = FALSE;		// 直线2的斜率是否是无穷大

FLOAT tempY = 0;
FLOAT tempX = 0;

// 求直线的k和b值
if(abs(fex1 - fsx1) < 0.0001)
	bLine1infinite = true;
	k1 = (fey1 - fsy1) / (fex1 - fsx1);
	b1 = -fsx1 * k1 +  fsy1;

if(abs(fex2 - fsx2) < 0.0001)
	bLine2infinite = true;
	k2 = (fey2 - fsy2) / (fex2 - fsx2);
	b2 = -fsx2 * k2 +  fsy2;

// 判断直线是否相交
{// 直线1是垂线的情况。
		if(abs(fsx1 - fsx2) < 0.0001)
			// 两条直线都是垂直线。 如果x值相等就在同一条直线上。
			// 如果第一条直线的开始y值 在第二条直线的y值之间第一条直线的开始点可以认为是交点(这两条直线可能有很大重合)
			if((fsy1 - fsy2)*(fsy1 - fey2) < 0)
				fcrossx = fsx1;
				fcrossy = fsy1;
				return TRUE;
			else if((fey1 - fsy2)*(fey1 - fey2) < 0)
				fcrossx = fex1;
				fcrossy = fey1;
				return TRUE;

			return FALSE;
			// 两条线段不在同一条直线上。
			return FALSE;
	else // 直线2不是垂直线的情况。
		tempY = k2 * fsx1 + b2;
		if(((tempY - fsy2)*(tempY - fey2) < 0)&&((tempY - fsy1)*(tempY - fey1) < 0))
			fcrossx = fsx1;
			fcrossy = tempY;
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;
{// 直线1不是垂线的情况。

		tempY = k1 * fsx2 + b1;
		if(((tempY - fsy2)*(tempY - fey2) < 0)&&((tempY - fsy1)*(tempY - fey1) < 0))
			fcrossx = fsx2;
			fcrossy = tempY;
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;
	else// if(bLine2infinite)

		if(abs(k1 - k2) < 0.0001)
		{// 两条直线平行

			if(abs(b1 - b2) < 0.0001)
			{// 两条直线重合
				if((fsy1 - fsy2)*(fsy1 - fey2) < 0)
					fcrossx = fsx1;
					fcrossy = fsy1;
					return TRUE;
				else if((fey1 - fsy2)*(fey1 - fey2) < 0)
					fcrossx = fex1;
					fcrossy = fey1;
					return TRUE;

				return FALSE;

			}// if(abs(b1 - b2) < 0.0001)
				return FALSE;

			tempX = (b1 - b2) / (k2 - k1);
			FLOAT ft1 = 0;
			FLOAT ft2 = 0;
			ft1 = (tempX - fsx1) / (fex1 - fsx1);
			ft2 = (tempX - fsx2) / (fex2 - fsx2);

			if((ft1 > -0.0002)&&(ft1 < 1.0002)&&(ft2 > -0.0002)&&(ft2 < 1.0002))
				fcrossx = tempX;
				fcrossy = k1 * tempX + b1;
				return TRUE;
				return FALSE;

INT	 CPath::BuildDijkPath(const fVector2& fvCurrent, const fVector2& fvTarget, int nPassLevel)
// 查找是否已经到了终点。
	if(sqrt((fvCurrent.x - m_TargetPos.x)*(fvCurrent.x - m_TargetPos.x) + (fvCurrent.y - m_TargetPos.y)*(fvCurrent.y - m_TargetPos.y)) < 0.01)
		return 0;
	PathUnit newPathUnit;
	newPathUnit.fvStart	 = fvCurrent;
	newPathUnit.fvTarget = m_TargetPos;
	newPathUnit.dwRequestIndex = RequestIndexFactory();
	return 1;

CScene* pActiveScene = (CScene*)CWorldManager::GetMe()->GetActiveScene();
DWORD dwPointCount = (DWORD)pActiveScene->m_Points.size();
if( dwPointCount == 0 ) return 0;

//1. 计算起始点和结束点跟已知各点的权重
for( DWORD dw = 0; dw < dwPointCount; dw ++ )
	fVector2& thePoint = pActiveScene->m_Points[dw];
	for( size_t r = 0; r < pActiveScene->m_theRegion.size(); r ++ )
		CRegion& re = pActiveScene->m_theRegion[r];
		if (nPassLevel > re.m_nPassRegionLevel)
		if( bFindS == FALSE && CPath::CheckCross( fvCurrent, thePoint, &re ) )
			bFindS = TRUE;
		if( bFindD == FALSE && CPath::CheckCross( fvTarget, thePoint, &re ) )
			bFindD = TRUE;

		if( bFindS && bFindD ) break;

	if( bFindS == FALSE ) //起始点和当前点互通
		ws = (fvCurrent.x-thePoint.x)*(fvCurrent.x-thePoint.x) + (fvCurrent.y-thePoint.y)*(fvCurrent.y-thePoint.y);

	if( bFindD == FALSE ) //终止点和当前点互通
		wd = (fvTarget.x-thePoint.x)*(fvTarget.x-thePoint.x) + (fvTarget.y-thePoint.y)*(fvTarget.y-thePoint.y);

	pActiveScene->m_Weights[(dw+1)] = ws;
	pActiveScene->m_Weights[(dw+1)*(dwPointCount+2)] = ws;
	pActiveScene->m_Weights[(dw+1)*(dwPointCount+2)+(dwPointCount+1)] = wd;
	pActiveScene->m_Weights[(dwPointCount+1)*(dwPointCount+2)+(dw+1)] = wd;

//2. 实际的点数量+2
dwPointCount += 2;

//3. 初始化路径...
vector<vector<DWORD> > thePath;
thePath.resize( dwPointCount );

//5. 初始化final表
vector<BYTE> final;
final.resize( dwPointCount );

//6. 初始化最短路径
pActiveScene->m_Dist[0] = 0;
pActiveScene->m_Dist[dwPointCount-1] = FLT_MAX;
final[0] = 0;
final[dwPointCount-1] = 0;
for( DWORD dw = 1; dw < dwPointCount-1; dw++ )
	final[dw] = 0;
	pActiveScene->m_Dist[dw] = pActiveScene->m_Weights[dw];

//7. 计算所有的点
final[0] = 1;
for( DWORD dw = 0; dw < dwPointCount-1; dw++ )
	min = FLT_MAX;

	BOOL bFind = FALSE;
	for( DWORD w = 0; w < dwPointCount; w++ )
		if( final[w] == 0 && pActiveScene->m_Dist[w] < min )
			min = pActiveScene->m_Dist[w];
			v = w;
			bFind = TRUE;
	if(bFind == FALSE) return 0;
	final[v] = 1; // 加入新边 

	for( DWORD w = 0; w < dwPointCount; w++ )
		//更新 dist[] 数据
		if( final[w] == 0 && pActiveScene->m_Dist[v] + pActiveScene->m_Weights[v+w*dwPointCount] < pActiveScene->m_Dist[w] )
			pActiveScene->m_Dist[w] = pActiveScene->m_Dist[v] + pActiveScene->m_Weights[v+w*dwPointCount]; //想要到达w点,必须要经过v

			thePath[w] = thePath[v];

//8. 输出结果
vector<DWORD>& paths = thePath[dwPointCount-1];
PathUnit pu;
pu.fvStart = fvCurrent;
for( DWORD dw = 0; dw < paths.size(); dw ++ )
	pu.fvTarget = pActiveScene->m_Points[paths[dw]-1];
	pu.fvStart = pu.fvTarget;
pu.fvTarget = fvTarget;

return (INT)m_vPosStack.size();

Here is the C++ code of Path.h

Code: Select all

#ifndef __PATH_H__
#define __PATH_H__

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "TDMath.h"

class CScene;
class CRegion;
class CPath
	struct PathUnit
		fVector2	fvStart;		//起始点
		fVector2	fvTarget;		//目标点
		INT			dwRequestIndex;	//发往服务器的路径编号,用于和服务器之间交流的标示

	// 递归查找行走路径。
    BOOL FindPath(
					fVector2 fvStart,			 // 当前查找的开始点
					BOOL bBegin         = FALSE, // 是否开始查找
					INT iPreRegionIndex = -1,	 // 前一次调用的region索引
					INT iPreLineIndex   = -1,	 // 前一次调用的阻挡线索引
					INT iPreVertexIndex = -1	 // 前一次找到的点。

// 是否到达终点。
BOOL IsReachDes(fVector2 fvStart,int level);

// 查找所有区域得到最近的点
BOOL GetMinCrossPos(
					fVector2 fvStart,		// 直线的开始的点。
					fVector2 fvEnd,			// 直线的结束的点。
					FLOAT& fFindx,			// 找到的相交的点x 
					FLOAT& fFindy,			// 找到的相交点y
					INT& iRegionIndex,      // 找到的区域索引
					INT& iLineIndex,		// 找到的的线的索引
					INT iExcludeRegion = -1 // 不查找的区域

// 查找两个直线的交点, 并求交点。
BOOL CheckLineCross(
					fVector2		fv1Start,		// 直线1的开始点。
					fVector2		fv1End,			// 直线1的结束点。
					fVector2		fv2Start,		// 直线2的开始点。
					fVector2		fv2End,			// 直线2的结束点。
					FLOAT&			fcrossx,			// 找到的交点x。
					FLOAT&			fcrossy			// 找到的交点y

INT	 BuildDijkPath(const fVector2& fvCurrent, const fVector2& fvTarget, int nPassLevel);

std::vector<PathUnit>		m_vPosStack;		//关键点的集合,每两个点之间是一条路径单位
fVector2					m_TargetPos;		// 走路的终点
std::vector<INT>			m_PassVector;		// 起点和终点所经过的所有区域
INT							m_iScene;
std::vector<PathUnit>		m_vPosStack1;		//关键点的集合,每两个点之间是一条路径单位

// 当从一个region走到另一个region时, 下面两个变量记录的是前一个region和阻挡线的索引。
INT							m_iChangeRegion;
INT							m_iChangeLine;

	virtual ~CPath();

static INT			RequestIndexFactory(VOID);
static BOOL			CheckCross(fVector2 fvmStart, fVector2 fvmEnd,const CRegion* pcr);
static BOOL			CheckCross(fVector2 fvmStart, fVector2 fvmEnd,fVector2 fvnStart, fVector2 fvnEnd);
static fVector2		fvSub(fVector2 fv1, fVector2 fv2);
static FLOAT		fvMulti(fVector2 fv1, fVector2 fv2);
static BOOL			fvEuqual(const fVector2& fv1, const fVector2& fv2);
static BOOL			IsPointInUnreachRegion(const fVector2& fvTarget); // 当前点是否在不可行走区域之内

// 计算从开始点到结束点的路径。
BOOL				CreateMovePath(const fVector2& fvCurrent, const fVector2& fvTarget);

//  直接查找目的地。
BOOL                GetPathDirect(const fVector2& fvCurrent, const fVector2& fvTarget);

// 查找当前的直线与一个区域是否相交,如果相交返回交点和区域中最近相交直线的索引值
BOOL	CheckCross(
	fVector2 fvStart,		// 直线的开始点。
	fVector2 fvEnd,			// 直线的结束点。
	const CRegion* pcr,		// 要查找的直线。
	FLOAT& fFindx,			// 找到的交点x。
	FLOAT& fFindY,			// 找到的交点y
	FLOAT& fFindDis,		// 找到的直线的距离
	INT& iFindLineIndex		// 找到的直线的索引

INT					GetUnitNum(VOID)const { return (INT)m_vPosStack.size(); }

const PathUnit&		GetConstPathUnit(INT nIndex)const;



đây là mã C++ của TDMath.h

Code: Select all

#pragma once

/// 向量相关
struct fVector2
	inline fVector2& operator = ( const fVector2& rkVector )
		x = rkVector.x;
		y = rkVector.y;
		return *this;

inline BOOL operator == ( const fVector2& rkVector ) const
	return ( x == rkVector.x && y == rkVector.y );

inline BOOL operator != ( const fVector2& rkVector ) const
	return ( x != rkVector.x || y != rkVector.y );

inline fVector2 operator + ( const fVector2& rkVector ) const
	fVector2 kSum;

	kSum.x = x + rkVector.x;
	kSum.y = y + rkVector.y;

	return kSum;

inline fVector2 operator - ( const fVector2& rkVector ) const
	fVector2 kDiff;

	kDiff.x = x - rkVector.x;
	kDiff.y = y - rkVector.y;

	return kDiff;

inline fVector2 operator * ( float fScalar ) const
	fVector2 kProd;

	kProd.x = fScalar*x;
	kProd.y = fScalar*y;

	return kProd;

inline friend fVector2 operator * ( float fScalar, const fVector2& rkVector )
	fVector2 kProd;

	kProd.x = fScalar * rkVector.x;
	kProd.y = fScalar * rkVector.y;

	return kProd;

inline FLOAT length (VOID) const;

FLOAT normalise(FLOAT fAimLength=1.0f);
	fVector2()				 : x(0.0f), y(0.0f) { }
	fVector2(FLOAT _x, FLOAT _y) : x(_x), y(_y)		{ }

struct iVector2
	iVector2()				 : x(0), y(0)		{ }
	iVector2(INT _x, INT _y) : x(_x), y(_y)		{ }
	INT x; INT y;

struct  fVector3 
	inline fVector3& operator = ( const fVector3& rkVector )
		x = rkVector.x;
		y = rkVector.y;
		z = rkVector.z;            
return *this; } inline BOOL operator == ( const fVector3& rkVector ) const { return ( x == rkVector.x && y == rkVector.y && z == rkVector.z ); } inline BOOL operator != ( const fVector3& rkVector ) const { return ( x != rkVector.x || y != rkVector.y || z != rkVector.z ); } inline fVector3 operator + ( const fVector3& rkVector ) const { fVector3 kSum; kSum.x = x + rkVector.x; kSum.y = y + rkVector.y; kSum.z = z + rkVector.z; return kSum; } inline fVector3 operator - ( const fVector3& rkVector ) const { fVector3 kDiff; kDiff.x = x - rkVector.x; kDiff.y = y - rkVector.y; kDiff.z = z - rkVector.z; return kDiff; } inline fVector3 operator * ( const FLOAT& rkMult ) const { fVector3 kMult; kMult.x = x * rkMult; kMult.y = y * rkMult; kMult.z = z * rkMult; return kMult; } inline FLOAT length (VOID) const; FLOAT normalise(FLOAT fAimLength=1.0f); public: fVector3() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f), z(0.0f) { } fVector3(FLOAT _x, FLOAT _y, FLOAT _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) { } public: FLOAT x; FLOAT y; FLOAT z; }; struct iVector3 { public: iVector3() : x(0), y(0), z(0) { } iVector3(INT _x, INT _y, INT _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) { } public: INT x; INT y; INT z; }; struct fRay { public: fVector3 mOrigin; fVector3 mDirection; };

Hope everyone can help me find the general structure for the *.path file. In the game scene there will be coordinates (x, y) for the character or monster to move, and there are areas in the scene that will prohibit movement. Hope everyone can help, if more information is needed I will try to add.

Orc Shaman
Posts: 715
Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:03 am
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Re: Can you help me with the path system in 3D scene with available *.path file?

Post by rpgplayerrobin »

This has nothing to do with Ogre in the end.

Those files are binary and can be written in any way that the developer chose, which can be close to impossible to reverse engineer (especially if encryption is used, which is impossible to tell just by looking at the file contents).

Your code does not help either. You must find the code to either export the *.path file or import it, otherwise it will be very hard and time consuming to reverse engineer it, and unfortunately I am pretty sure no one has time time to help with that (it could possibly take days or months to reverse engineer it).