Ogre Version: 14.3
I'm using renderQueues to control the rendering order of the sprites in my SHMUP Creator engine: sprites are just transparent planes. Users can create 'layers' to control the rendering order of those objects, as most of those sprites are rendered at the same depth.
I'm using setRenderQueueGroupAndPriority(40+ layerNumber) to render the planes.
The last engine update was using Ogre 13.6, but since I updated it to 14.3, some users noticed regressions in the rendering order.
It worked well, until recently, and I found that the rendering order is wrong only when a plane uses setRenderQueueGroupAndPriority(50).
So, for example:
.plane1 setRenderQueueGroupAndPriority(40) and plane2 setRenderQueueGroupAndPriority(41): plane1 is rendered behind plane2.
.plane1 setRenderQueueGroupAndPriority(50) and plane2 setRenderQueueGroupAndPriority(51): plane1 is rendered above plane2.
As 50 is RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN, my question is: is there something different with this queue number?