I have adapted OgreCrowd (navmesh and pathfinding library) to work with Ogre 14. It's basically just replacing OIS event handlers with SDL event handlers.
I also fixed dozens of warnings caused by implicit type conversions and missing typecasts.
However, there are some "deprecated" warnings left that I'm not sure how to handle. I'm only a week into Ogre and never used an older version, so I don't know how it all evolved and how the interface changed.
Code: Select all
Ogre::SceneManager::getMovableObjectIterator // @deprecated use getMovableObjects
Ogre::TerrainGroup::getTerrainIterator // @deprecated use getTerrainSlots()
Ogre::ConfigFile::getSectionIterator // @deprecated use getSettingsBySection()
Ogre::SharedPtr<Ogre::HardwareIndexBuffer>::isNull // @deprecated use SharedPtr::operator bool instead
The OgreCrowd demo works fine, so I assume these deprecated functions still work as intended. Anyway, I want to change them to the new style.
Would you please give me examples on how to change these iterators? Or is there some migration guide in the documentation?
Thank you in advance.