What Is This Place?

A place for employers, project leaders etc to post if they are looking for people to assist with an Ogre-based project. Please only post in this area if you have a _serious_ project proposition for which you already have something to show for.
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What Is This Place?

Post by temas »

There seems to be general confusion over what this subforum is for, so I feel a need to clarify. Any serious project, using OGRE, that is looking for assitance may post here. There is no requirement that it be professional or a potential money maker. There is also no real definition of serious, but I think common sense should be able to prevail.

If you find a post not to your liking, ignore it. We don't need anymore discussion about what is credible or not. Everyone just wants to build projects with OGRE so let's all be civil.

If you need clarification about any of this, post the questions here.

This is everyones warning to play fair and act nice.
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Re: What Is This Place?

Post by jacmoe »

Please notice that the rules of this forum applies to employers, project leaders etc to post if they are looking for people to assist with an Ogre-based project.

Artists who are looking for work shall post elsewhere. Not in the Ogre forum.
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