Hi , many thanks for the tips.
Here's augmented version of the TEST : RELEASE VERSION of OPENDUNGEONSPLUS, notice both libraries where recompiled in release mode, hopefully they do not require any extra libraries....
*tar.gz archive:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rcTDPR ... drive_link
*zip archive:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UF74ZE ... drive_link
Do you think it has a chance of running under WINE ?
I don't think this is the aim of mine build, but it is worth trying..
Be warned I get with WINE emulator :
Code: Select all
wine: Call from 00006FFFFFC23DE7 to unimplemented function msvcp140_2.dll.__std_smf_cyl_bessel_i, aborting
EDIT : my friend keeps getting
Code: Select all
13:37:09: Error: ScriptCompiler - reference to a non existing object in Adventurer.material(2): RTShaderSystem.material
no matter what he puts in the resource.cfg file. How much broken must be the RTShaderSystem then ....
First question is : Should the refrence to RTShaderSystem.material path be in OgreInternal or Graphics group ?