Geometry primitives and boolean operations

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Geometry primitives and boolean operations

Post by John38F »

Dear All,

I'm considering migration from the old OpenCascade to OGRE 3D.
My need is 3D visualization of optical lenses.
Those components geometry is easily derived from boolean operations on basic primitive shapes : sphere, cylinder, plane,... (see picture).

I would have two questions :

  • Does OGRE include primitive shapes such as sphere, cylinder, plane ?
  • If yes, is it possible to perform boolean operations between those primitives to get my targeted result ??

Thank you for your help !!
With best regards,

Orc Shaman
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Re: Geometry primitives and boolean operations

Post by rpgplayerrobin »

I don't think Ogre can by itself perform boolean like that, as it is mainly a rendering engine.

But, can use SDF as a post processing effect in Ogre to perform 100% perfect (better than any mesh could ever create) shapes with boolean operations:

Using shadertoy, you can also easily check that it works with your specific needs as well, like this:
You can also remove its smoothness in real-time (and then the little arrow button to compile) by altering the "opSmoothUnion" function to this:

Code: Select all

float opSmoothUnion( float d1, float d2, float k )
    return min(d1,d2);

However, SDF are quite heavy on the GPU, so if your target machines are not that great, SDF is probably not the solution.

Here are also some other libraries you can use to perform boolean operations, which you could then possibly visualize as a mesh in Ogre afterwards:

Also, maybe it can be done using Ogre Procedural using meshes? I am not sure though, but you can check it out:

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Re: Geometry primitives and boolean operations

Post by Lax »


you could use OgreProcedural. This library is meant for generating and manipulated (bool operations etc.) at runtime.

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