I removed the link - come back when you offer your models in the Ogre mesh format.Available Formats obj, ase, dae, ma, fbx

I removed the link - come back when you offer your models in the Ogre mesh format.Available Formats obj, ase, dae, ma, fbx
I agree. Most of the time you'll want to be able to edit the model yourself anyway and not many 3D modelling programs have an Ogre mesh importer. They usually have one of the above formats though, so it's possible to import them, then export them as an Ogre mesh.LiMuBei wrote:I'd rather have assets not directly in Ogre mesh format...
Where's that?jacmoe wrote:Then you'd rather visit the places where those assets can be advertised.
That said, I do agree there needs to be moderation on the forums because making it "free-for-all" would be terrible. However, there seems to be a lack of places to get Ogre mesh format models and I'd welcome a solution to that. Even the small list of places on the wiki (http://www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php/Free_Resources) are pretty disappointing and most of them don't have Ogre mesh format either.jacmoe wrote:The Ogre forums is not free-for-all.
Well you know, I made a very simple licensing : you're free do to anything with the models, except for selling them as 3d models, or distributing them in another site similar to that where they are hosted initially (my site). Of course the worst thing would be doing that and claiming that those are your models, made by you.zarfius wrote:LiMuBei wrote:I'm not even concerned about them being free, as long as the cost is reasonable. Many times I'd rather buy assets because they come with better licensing terms. Ironically, you tend to have more freedom with assets you pay for than the ones you get for free.
jacmoe wrote:I removed the link - come back when you offer your models in the Ogre mesh format.
Thanks OviOvinet, I used my brain (and Google) to find your website by searching for your username and finding another post you did over on gamedev.net. I respect the policy here on the Ogre forum's but at the end of the day all I wanted to do was have a look at your models.OviOvinet wrote:You know, that site is mine..
You're very welcomezarfius wrote: Thanks OviOvinet, I used my brain (and Google) to find your website by searching for your username and finding another post you did over on gamedev.net. I respect the policy here on the Ogre forum's but at the end of the day all I wanted to do was have a look at your models.
Try using either Blender, it has a Ogre exporter, or DeleD (download free version here http://www.delgine.com/index.php?filename=product_deled) again it has a Ogre mesh, material format exporter (you need to download the plug-in seperate http://www.delgine.com/plugins/viewPluginCategories.php.OviOvinet wrote:Well, if any of you is willing to help me there, please say; as I already said, for the moment I can't make the models in OGRE's .mesh format, but if there is anyone willing to help me there I will accept.
If not, I'll probably do it myself in the far future.
Great idea and thankyou AWM Mars.AWM Mars wrote:As a supporter of Ogitor, and of course Ogre... I created some free model assets for the Orgitor team to distribute/giveaway as part of the programme
There is the dilemma.zarfius wrote:Great idea and thankyou AWM Mars.AWM Mars wrote:As a supporter of Ogitor, and of course Ogre... I created some free model assets for the Orgitor team to distribute/giveaway as part of the programme
There's just one thing that would be helpful though, and it's kind of what the argument has been about in this thread. How about including the original model format so that they can be edited. Ogre mesh format is great for optimised rendering in Ogre, but not many 3D modelling programs have an Ogre importer.
zarfius wrote:How about including the original model format so that they can be edited.
jacmoe wrote:The term is non-negotiable: if you want to advertise models here in our forum, you need to provide them in the Ogre mesh format.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough. My words where "including" the original model format. I didn't say not to export them as an Ogre mesh, that's extremely helpful and complies with the terms of posting on the forums. The problem is that there are very limited options to "edit" an Ogre mesh, so it's very helpful to have the original format used by DeleD as well as the Ogre mesh.AWM Mars wrote:There is the dilemma.
If I provide the models in other formats, then to use them, you have to export them into Ogre mesh/material compatible formats, which I have already done, and complied with the forums moderators.
This is more of a licensing issue than anything else. If you don't want people to change the model's you need to say so as part of your terms and conditions. There's good description of how to put together a creative commons license on wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_licenses)AWM Mars wrote:In addition, supplying them in other formats could mean they slip out of my control to some degree.
Did someone say that he wasn't?jacmoe wrote:IMO, AWM Mars is totally free to decide the terms.
You know, that's the 5th time you've said that in this thread jacmoe, it must get tiringjacmoe wrote:If people want to advertise their commercial models here, they should take the trouble of converting them to the Ogre mesh format.
It isjacmoe wrote:Yeah, reality is a pain in the rear, isn't it?
This question was for you btw.zarfius wrote:What's the policy about adding a link to the Free Resources page on the wiki? (http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/Free+Resources)