Just wondering if anyone has (or know someone who has) made any excellent fire effects (like a log fire) using the particle system. I looked around the boards..but cannot find any mention of such a thing. Hopefully there isn't one that I've missed
I know i did, somehow in the past...i dont know if i still have the code for it! it was a particle system so dont expect using it for performance...i just liked to way it looked !
Have you seen the fire in SoulCalibur II ? That's a very realistic fire (at least for me) that is done combining a simple fire particle system, with an animated fire texture (the animation is quite simple -- fire waving). If you have the chance, take a look at that fire (you can see it around the Charade character)
I was fiddling with this a while ago. You can get quite different effects based on what texture you use.
The first one looks much better when animated. I would encourage you to experiment with a noisy texture, unless you want a more amorphous glow-style fire.
Note: if you use the particle script, you may need to modify the unit scale (particle width/height, velocity min/max), as in my prog 1 meter is approx 500 units.
The fire in the screenshot posted by Epopov looks really great.
I wanted to get some hands on that and tried it myself (first time I was dealing with particles),
So I toke the code from the particle demo of ogre, and the files posted by you.
Although I played with the parameter Epopov mentioned I didn't get an effect that was as impressiv as on the screenshots.
I wanted to ask if you could recomment some parameters.
I can't say what's a meter in my demo, but I'm using the car form ogreode and the crate.mesh to see how big things get.
How to proceed to see the fire effect in the Ogre smoke demo:
- put the particle script in the Media/particle folder. Modify the direction vector from '0 -1 0' to '0 1 0'
- put the material script in the Media/materials/scripts folder
- put the tga file in the Media/materials/textures folder
- in the Smoke.h file from the smoke demo, modify the name of the particle script from "Examples/Smoke" to "TRPlayer/Torch" and comment the line which sets the SkyDome ('mSceneMgr->setSkyDome(...)'). Indeed, if you don't do this, the torch will not look good because it will be too bright because of the blue/white background. It's better to see it on a black background.
Recompile and run, that should work.
If you want to modify the size of the particles, act simultaneously on (for eg, divide all them by 10):
- particle_width, particle_height, velocity_min, velocity_max, rate