I am a computer science student from Macedonia, and I am interested in participating in GSoC 2013. I found this on the project ideas page:
and I would like to work on it. I started getting acquainted with OGRE a few months ago, and I've made a game demo as a school project(a simple side-scroller action game). I would like to make another one as a part of GSoC, and I have a few questions regarding this project:Create a small game using OGRE to demo its power
What kind of a game should this be(would a FPS or an action/RPG be OK?), and how big(small) should it approximately be?
Should the game be a part of the Ogre Demos(Samples), or a standalone application?
I'd also like to know if there would be any kind of violence allowed. For example, would the main character be allowed to shoot(or hit) enemies?
P.S. Here's a video clip of my game, if anyone wants to check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSjmXsy5d6M . Also, can anyone recommend me a good book for improving my C++, especially for game programming? I'm not a complete beginner, but I'm no expert either.